Vortex Power Wood Screws - 1700 pce Assorted Case

Vortex Power Wood Screws - 1700 pce Assorted Case

SKU: V60310CE
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Vortex Power Wood Screws - 1700 pce Assorted Case

Case contains 200 each 3.5x16, 3.5x20, 3.5x25, 3.5x30, 4x25, 4x30, 4x40, and 100 each 4x50, 5x50 and 5x70mm. Vortex screws are recognised in the industry for their premium quality and tailored product features. Technical advancements combine to provide users with versatility and assurance in almost any application. The recessed double countersunk head increases the strength of the screw beneath the head reducing the likelihood of shearing. Sharp milling ribs under the head assist with effective countersinking, eliminating the need to countersink the wood before insertion. The sharp, wide and deep thread, featuring 'Saw Fix' serrated thread technology, enables the screw to power through a wide range of materials quickly and easily.

  • Case also contains PZ2 Driver bits.
  • Zinc & Yellow (ZYP) finish offers resistance to corrosion. Gleitmo dry lubricant for easier driving.
  • CE approved.

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