Fischer FGW90F 1st Fix Framing Nailer 560041 Nail Gun

Fischer FGW90F 1st Fix Framing Nailer 560041 Nail Gun

SKU: 560041
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Fischer FGW90F 1st Fix Framing Nailer 560041 Nail Gun

  • Fischer FGW 90F 1st Fix Framing Nailer

  • The FGW 90F with 95 joules of power ensures correct, full embedment into all timber, even when using a 90mm rink shank nail. The rate of fire of up to 3 fixings per second increases the productivity.
  • Easy nail depth adjustment wheel – allows you to choose how to set the nails – flush or fully embedded for various applications.
  • The FGW 90F has a long life capacity and durability with service intervals after every 30,000 fixings.*
  • The wide range of nails provides a perfect match for solid wood, laminated timber, plywood as well as chipboard, fiberboard, OSB and veneer materials.
  • Increased productivity due to the powerful rechargeable LI-ion battery enables more than 8,000 fixings with one charge and is also compatible with the FGC 100.
  • The battery-LED displays the remaining battery power and the status of the tool, preventing a standstill on site.
  • In case the battery starts to run out, a 10 minute charge allows you to shoot at least another 300 nails. To fully charge the battery it takes 90 minutes.**
  • Adjustable hook for use as belt or a rafter hook to ensure safe storage of the tool when not in use.
  • The FGW 90F is delivered in the strong, robust stackable XL-BOXX


  • The fischer gas actuated fastening tool is suitable for a fast and reliable installation of wood framing or roof battens.
  • For optimum installation, the tool must be positioned correctly on the working surface.
  • The tool will operate within the temperature range of -15°C to +50°C.
  • The tool has a weight of 3.5kg and has the following dimensions: L 390 mm x W 108 mm x H 381 mm


  • Timber Framing
  • Roof Battens
  • External Cladding
  • Stud Work
  • Fencing
  • Over Boarding
  • Truss Work
  • Flooring
  • Packaging


  • Fischer gas actuated fastening tool FGW 90F - 95 joules setting energy, 3.5 kg with battery, 34° angle of magazine, Capacity of 60 nails
  • No mark tip - To protect the timber surface in visible areas
  • Battery charger BC 7.2V 1 Input 100-240 V, Output 8.4 V – 2 A
  • Li-Ion battery B 7.2V - 2.5Ah 1   8,000 fixings per charge
  • XL-BOXX is fully compatible with the L-BOXX

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