Tygris TG8205 Copper Anti-Seize Compound 500g

Tygris TG8205 Copper Anti-Seize Compound 500g

SKU: 20455.0032
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Tygris TG8205 Copper Anti-Seize Compound 500g

TYGRIS Copper Anti-Seize Compound is a high temperature lubricant providing outstanding overall metal protection against heat, rust, seizure and corrosion. Resistance to water and acids is high and it will not burn off under extreme stress. For use on threaded components, pins and valve stems, in a range of materials including austenitic stainless steel. Also used on brake callipers and the back of brake pads where it will help eliminate brake squeal.


  • Water and acid resistant;
  • Use on a wide range of metals;
  • Prevents seizure of threaded parts;
  • Will not burn or wash off; Eliminates brake squeal;
  • Assists in assembly and disassembly of components

*Image for illustrative purposes only

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