Thor 03-222 Copper & Hide Hammer Size 5 (70mm) 6000G Long Shaft

Thor 03-222 Copper & Hide Hammer Size 5 (70mm) 6000G Long Shaft

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Thor 03-222 Copper / Hide Hammer Size 5 (70mm) 5000G

The Thor 03-222 is a general-purpose hammer for automotive and general engineering applications in assembly, repair and maintenance operations. Available in 6 different weights, the malleable iron head is fitted with one hide and one copper face on a polished wooden handle.


  • Ideal for use where a heavy blow is required in a relatively small striking area
  • One face is made from pure copper, the other from highly compressed buffalo hide and are both designed to wear and be replaced - spare faces are available
  • Face diameter 70mm / 2.3/4 Inch
  • Wood handle 915mm / 36in long


  • Size:  5
  • Weight:  5000g (11lb)
  • Diameter:  70mm (2.3/4 in)

Custom Tab 01

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