Sealey AB1758 Space Warmer® Paraffin/Kerosene/Diesel Heater 175,000Btu

Sealey AB1758 Space Warmer® Paraffin/Kerosene/Diesel Heater 175,000Btu/hr with Wheels

SKU: AB1758
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Sealey Space Warmer® Paraffin/Kerosene/Diesel Heater 175,000Btu/hr with Wheels

• 175,000Btu/hr(51.3kW) Heat output.

• Clean burning.

• Fitted with thermostat and digital room temperature display both given in °C.

• Proven pump system can operate with either paraffin, kerosene or diesel.

• Fitted with safety cut-out.

• Complies with rigorous standards.

• Sealey Advantages

• PARAFFIN/KEROSENE OR DIESEL - The Sealey AB heaters will operate on either.

• CLEAN BURNING - A more thorough burn of fuel which means greater fuel economy and maximum heating effect.

• FILTER PROTECTION - The compressor unit is protected by extra-large filter.

• LARGE FUEL TANK - The AB Series heaters will operate for between 8 and 14 hours on a single fill of fuel.

• SAFETY FEATURES - Fitted with a flame-out device which cuts the fuel supply when the flame is inadvertently extinguished.

• QUALITY - Manufactured to comply with the rigorous standards.

• AFTER SALES SERVICE - The best in the business. Full spares back-up for all models.

Airflow: 630cfm
Automatic Shut-Off: Yes
Fuel Tank: 49L
Fuel: Paraffin/Kerosene/Diesel
Heated Area: 34,400ft³(974m³)
Output: 175,000Btu/hr(51.3kW)
Running Time per Filling (Maximum): 9.5hr
Supply: 230V - 5A
Transport Wheels: Yes

Custom Tab 01

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