Sealey HVF18 18" Industrial High Velocity Floor

Sealey HVF18 18" Industrial High Velocity Floor

SKU: 60413.0072
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Sealey HVF18 18" Industrial High Velocity Floor Fan 240V

The Sealey HVF18 high-velocity floor fan is applicable for use in an exceptionally wide range of areas including industrial, commercial and agricultural applications. It is suitable for the movement of huge volumes of air and is extremely quiet thanks to its carefully balanced and fully guarded blades. The three-speed power selection and cradle stand allow for precise control of airflow to exactly where it is needed.


  • High-velocity fan suitable for movement of huge volumes of air
  • Carefully balanced and fully guarded blades provide quiet and safe operation
  • Three-speed power selection and cradle stand allows precise control of airflow to exactly where it is needed
  • Fitted with BS approved plug
  • Suitable for use in industrial, commercial, agricultural, automotive workshop and showroom applications


  • Current: 0.5A
  • Fan Diameter: Ø450mm(18")
  • Maximum Airflow: 107m³/min (3,760cfm)
  • Nett Weight: 5.55Kg
  • Power: 110W
  • Speed Range: 1020/1130/1300rpm
  • Speeds: 3
  • Supply: 240V

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