Prosolve White Acrylic Linemarker Paint 750ml

Prosolve White Acrylic Linemarker Paint 750ml

SKU: 20410.0032
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Prosolve White Acrylic Linemarker Paint 750ml

Prosolve acrylic line marker paint is high-quality spray paint with 46.7% paint solid content - much higher than many other competitor brands of acrylic marker paint in the same price range. As the paint solid content is high, the lines are bright, colourful, and hard-wearing. The lines dry quickly once sprayed, as less paint evaporates when drying. Prosolve acrylic line marker paint is available in  white or yellow.

Prosolve acrylic line marker paint is straightforward to use and produces long-lasting marks, shapes, and lines. Whereas many liquid paints need to be diluted and mixed, this spray paint is ready to use. Just shake the can, squeeze the nozzle to mark the ground, walls, posts, glass, metal, and more. You can apply this acrylic paint freehand for quick spot marking and sign spraying, or you can use it with a line marking applicator to produce straight and accurate car park lines, road markings, floor lines, and more.

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