Plastikote Wood Stove Spray Paint Black 400ml

Plastikote Wood Stove Spray Paint Black 400ml

SKU: 440.0026030.076
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Plasti-kote Wood Stove spray paint offers a beautiful satin sheen that is exceptionally durable, and provides resistance against fading. It preserves the life of the metal and is abrasion resistant. The new easy spray technology provides added control to make spray painting easier, faster and cleaner than ever before. The can's large, comfortable finger pad requires 35% less finger pressure than other spray paint cans, and the Twist and lock mechanism means there is no separate top to remove or replace after use. The cap and button design shields fingers from paint for a cleaner spray-painting process.

Coverage: approximately 2.23m². Pack size: 400ml.Colour: Black

Suitable for metal only.


As the leading brand in the spray paint market, Plasti-kote offers a portfolio of high quality spray paint products for a range of interior and exterior decorating applications.

Since its inception in 1992 Plasti-kote has grown and grown. A wholly owned subsidiary of The Valspar Corporation one of the largest global coatings manufacturers in the world, Plasti-kote is continuing to expand in Europe and now has a presence in the UK, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Switzerland.

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