Parweld England Edition (It's Not Coming Home) Welding Helmet XR938H

Parweld England Edition (It's Not Coming Home) Welding Helmet XR938H

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Parweld England Edition (It's Not Coming Home) Welding Helmet

The XR938H True Colour Light Reactive Welding and Grinding Helmet is both slim and lightweight in construction. Manufactured from a high impact polyamide nylon material which ensures the helmet provides high levels of comfort and durability. The metallic paint finish ensures maximum heat reflection.

With Full Face Coverage, curved design with a clear spatter shield over the optics provides maximum clarity. The helmet is fully adjustable to suit all head and body types. Features full neck coverage, locking headgear and automatic power on/off switch.

The auto on, auto darkening, wide view lens switches from light to dark in 1/30,000th of a second and offers continuous eye protection against UV and IR radiation, even when the lens is in the light state mode. The grinding switch is conveniently located on the outside of the helmet. The switch locks the filter in the light state (Shade DIN 4) to enable the helmet to be used as a grinding visor.

The helmet is powered by a solar cell with replaceable backup battery

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