Milwaukee M18FSAGV115 Cordless Grinder 115mm Vari Speed Naked

Milwaukee M18FSAGV115 Cordless Grinder 115mm Vari Speed Naked

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Milwaukee M18FSAGV115 Cordless Grinder 115mm Vari Speed Naked

The Milwaukee M18FSAGV115 Is a cordless M18 18V 115mm/4.5” angle grinder, that is powered by a brushless FUEL motor, which gives extra run time off batteries, more efficient cutting and less strain on the motor, therefor extending motor and tool life. This new and improved 115mm grinder features a 5-speed variable speed control dial, to suit any application whether it be cutting thick and tough metal, cutting stainless steel, or for removing paint and rust. The RAPIDSTOP technology stops the blade in under 2 seconds, protecting the user and the work space.  

Features and benefits: 

Compatible with all Milwaukee M18 batteries 

REDLINK system protects the electronics of the tool from overheating and delivers best possible performance 

New brushless POWERSTATE motor pushes more power out of a smaller more compact motor 

Keyless guard for brilliant cutting capacity and quick and easy guard adjustment 

Detachable dust screen to protect dust and debris getting in to and damaging the motor 

Slim and ergonomic body with comfy rubber grips for improved user comfort 

FIXTEC flange provides toolless and keyless blade changing 

Anti-vibration handle on the side of the tool to ultimately reduce vibration levels 

Paddle switch with lock on function 


Voltage – M18/18V 

Weight – 2.7kg 

No load speed – 3500 - 8500 RPM 

Blade size – 115mm 

Cutting depth – 28mm 

Supplied with: 

1x Quick release safety guard 

1x Cutting guard clip 

1x AVS side handle 

1x Flange 

1x Flange nut 

1x Spanner 

1x Dust screen 

Naked Machine / Body Only. 

Custom Tab 01

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