Milwaukee M18CHX-502X 18v SDS Cordless Drill

Milwaukee M18CHX-502X 18v SDS Cordless Drill

SKU: 60900.0078
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Milwaukee M18CHX-502x 18v  SDS Cordless Drill with 2 x 5ah batteries

The Milwaukee M18CHX-502x Milwaukee Fuel SDS+ Hammer is a powerful tool delivering 2.5J of impact energy with very low vibrations measuring at 8.9m/s2 vib due to its dual rail anti-vibration system. The hammer uses drill bits up to 26mm into concrete and has a range of functions available that include rotary mode, hammer mode, rotary hammer and chisel lock off to help you set the optimal angle for your chisel bit. The hammer has a powerful POWERSTATE brushless motor which gives the user variable speed and increased power. The SDS+ plus hammer uses REDLINK PLUS intelligence which protects the tool from overloading and overheating to keep your tool in the best condition. The service life of the tool is enhanced with the use of the all metal gear case which enables optimum seating of the gears.

K Supplies take great pride in the products and services we offer our professional customers, which is why we have partnered with Milwaukee to offer a warranty extension to 3 years. The additional 2 years warranty is available at no cost if you register your new Milwaukee power tool within 30 days of the purchase date. Please visit the official Milwaukee website to register.


• FIXTEC system - keyless chuck changing
• Compact and ergonomic design - Increased comfort
• 4 Modes - Rotary hammer, hammer only, rotary only and variolock
• Dual AVS -Anti Vibration System
• Individual battery cell monitoring
• All metal gear case - optimum seating of the gears for enhanced service life
• Compatible with M18 CDEX dust extractor


- Blow energy [EPTA][J]: 2.5
- Max drilling steel (mm): 13
- Max. drilling concrete (mm): 26
- Max. drilling wood (mm):30
- Max. percussion rate (bpm): 0 - 4900
- No load speed (rpm): 0 - 1400
- Optimised drilling capacity in concrete [mm]: Ø 6 - 20
- Vibration chiseling (m/s²): 9.5
- Vibration chiselling uncertainty [m|s²]: 1.5
- Vibration drilling (m/s²): 8.9
- Voltage (V): 18

Custom Tab 01

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