Milwaukee M18al-0 18 volt Area Work Light (Floodlight)

Milwaukee M18al-0 18 volt Area Work Light (Floodlight)

SKU: 60900.0166
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 Milwaukee M18al-0 18 volt Area Work Light (Floodlight)

The Milwaukee M18AL-0 M18™ LED Flood Light is ideal for lighting large work spaces at job sites with the 8 high-quality LEDS which provide 1,100 lumens and up to 1,300 lux. The light is powered by Milwaukee M18™ REDLITHIUM™ battery which gives the user up to 8 hours of runtime on a single charge. The light can be used at multiple angles due to its octagonal shape. You can also mount it vertically on a max. 13 mm diameter pipe, threaded rod or rebar to maximise hands-free operation.

The light stands up to the toughest of working conditions with its roll cage design and impact-resistant and replaceable lens. The light utilizes TRUEVIEW™ High Definition Lighting which is the most advanced lighting technology which delivers on representation of colours, temperature and even beam patterns all of which combine to improve productivity and safety.

K Supplies take great pride in the products and services we offer our professional customers, which is why we have partnered with Milwaukee to offer a warranty extension to 3 years. The additional 2 years warranty is available at no cost if you register your new Milwaukee power tool within 30 days of the purchase date. Please visit the official Milwaukee website to register.

Features and Benefits:

• Flexibility to mount vertically on a max. 13 mm diameter pipe, threaded rod or rebar to maximise hands-free operation
• Eight high performance LEDs provide 1500 lumens of light output - up to 30% brighter than 250 W halogen lights
• Convenient built-in handle - ability to hang vertically or horizontally
• Compact roll cage design provides superior durability
• TRUEVIEW™ high definition lighting

Technical Specifications:

- Voltage: 18 V
- Max. Lumens: 1500

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