Milwaukee 5 pack Reciprocating Saw Blade For Metal 230mm 14tpi 4800518

Milwaukee 5 pack Reciprocating Saw Blade For Metal 230mm 14tpi 48005187

SKU: 48005187
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Milwaukee 5 pack Reciprocating Saw Blade For Metal 230mm 14tpi 48005187

The Milwaukee 48005187 Sawzall Blades have improved tooth geometry for best speed and double the lifetime. Thin Kerf metal-cutting blades with the Double Duty Upgrade™ feature a tooth form that is optimised for the longest life and increased speed. Tough Neck™ is engineered to protect against tang breakage and delivers the strongest SAWZALL® blade tang on the market. Maintaining a short profile and thin body, these blades are ideal for making fast, flexible cuts.

The universal blade is for general use. Its even width guarantees good cutting stability and excellent guidance. This enables straight edge cutting through many different materials. Suitable for the brands AEG, B&D, Bosch, DeWalt, Fein, Flex, Hilti, Makita, Metabo, Milwaukee, Porter Cable, Ridgid, Rothenberger, Ryobi, Skil.

Bi-metal blade with 8% cobalt. With premium Matrix II steel cutting teeth (with 8% cobalt content), the ultimate in performance and lifetime.

Blade length : 230 mm
Max. cutting capacity (aluminium) : 3 - 10 mm
Max. cutting capacity (steel plate) : n/a
Max. cutting capacity (inox) : 2 - 4 mm
Max. cutting capacity (metal pipe) : 10 - 160 mm
Max. cutting capacity (non ferrous metal) : 3 - 10 mm
Max. cutting capacity (steel) : 3 - 10 mm
Pack quantity : 5
Teeth per inch : 14
Tooth pitch : 1.8 mm

Custom Tab 01

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