Milwaukee 4932459763 40pc Drill/Screwdriver Bits and Fastback knife

Milwaukee 4932459763 40pc Drill/Screwdriver Bits and Fastback knife

SKU: 4932459763
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 Milwaukee 4932459763 40pc Drill/Screwdriver Bits and Fastback knife

New 4932459763 Set from Milwaukee contains 40 Drill/Screwdriver Bits and Fastback knife.

Shockwave Impact Duty Sets are designed for use with Impact Drivers the Shockwave Impact Duty™ accessory line is not only ideal for heavy duty impact applications, but also delivers a full system solution for all the user's drilling and fastening needs. Shock Zone Geometry is designed to flex, reducing stress at the tip resulting in less tip breakages. The combination of the Shock Zone design and special heat treatment absorbs impacts and allows the bit to flex with spring like action. Compression forged tip provides the best fit with screw head, reducing cam out and stripping, resulting in outstanding lifetime. Custom engineered steel formula makes the Shockwave bits more resistant to shock from impacting.

Fastback Knife features Press and Flip Opening. All metal body of this knife has storage for 4 blades.

Supplied With:
Shockwave Impact Bits:
25 x 25 mm length 1 x PH1 / 2 x PH2, 1 x PZ1 / 3 x PZ2, 2 x TX10 / 2 x TX15 / 3 x TX20 / 2 x TX25 / 2 x TX30 / 1 x TX40 / 1 x TX50, 1 x Hex 4 mm / 1 x Hex 5 mm, 1 x SL 0.6 x 4.5 / 1 x SL 0.8 x 5.5 / 1 x SL 1.2 x 6.5
8 x 50 mm length 1 x PH2, 1 x PZ1 / 1 x PZ2, 1 x TX10 / 1 x TX15 / 1 x TX20 / 1 x TX25 / 1 x TX30.1 x magnetic bit holder 60 mm length
1 x magnetic bit holder 152 mm length
3 x Shockwave Impact Duty™ 1/4" Hex drill bits: ø 3 / 4 / 5 mm
2 x Shockwave Impact Duty™ magnetic nut drivers: 48 mm length 1 x Hex 8 mm / 1 x Hex 10 mm
1 x Compact Foldable Knife
1 x Case

Custom Tab 01

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