Klingspor KL385jf 50mm x 50mtr x 100 Grit Emery Roll Cloth Backed

Klingspor KL385jf 50mm x 50mtr x 100 Grit Emery Roll Cloth Backed

SKU: 60630.0112
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Abrasive roll KL 385 JF – with a flexible cloth backing for metals and NF metals

Keep this brown cloth on your workbench and you will never run out of abrasive cloth. The abrasive roll KL 385 JF lets you rip off exactly the length of abrasive strip that you need for your particular application. The tear is always clean and requires only minimal force. This product has been designed for both sanding by hand and use on hand held machines. Its properties make it ideal for the following tasks:

  • Sanding of profiles or moulded parts
  • Surface grinding
  • Rough grinding
  • Finishing

The abrasive cloth KL 385 JF supports a comprehensive range of applications

This abrasive cloth is ideally suited for working on metals and NF metals. It is available in different grit sizes. When sanding by hand, you tear a strip off the brown cloth and wrap it around a matching sanding block. Its flexible cloth backing makes it a particularly good choice for profile sanding. It contours to the shape of the workpiece without breaking. Its flexible backing retains its stability. At times, the product also allows you to forgo the sanding block when working on extra fine contours.

Select the proper grit

Use a coarse grit to remove remnants of paint or other types of blemishes. The finer the grit the smoother and more uniform the result of the sanding process. Use the finest grit to polish metal to a shiny finish. Available in a variety of widths, the abrasive roll KL 385 JF is an excellent choice for all of these applications. If requested, we can also coordinate with you to supply customised packages with special dimensions.

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