Klingspor CS411x 2000mm x 75 x 60 Grit Linishing / Grinding Belts (10

Klingspor CS411x 2000mm x 75 x 60 Grit Linishing / Grinding Belts (10 Pack)

SKU: 60612.0145
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Abrasive belt CS 411 X – the perfect abrasive for stainless steel and other types of metal.

Klingspor CS411x 2000mm x 75 x 60 Grit Linishing / Grinding Belts (10 Pack)

The abrasive belt CS 411 X can be used for an extensive range of applications for metalworking. Available in various widths and lengths, this product can be used on belt sanders, pedestal sanders and long belt sanders. The abrasive belts of type CS 411 X are suitable for surface treatment applications on

  • stainless steel and
  • steel

Their unique properties make them ideal for a wide variety of tasks in metal construction, the motor vehicle industry and many other areas.

Abrasive belt CS 411 X – powerful and long-lasting

Klingspor CS411x 2000mm x 75 x 60 Grit Linishing / Grinding Belts (10 Pack)

The abrasive belts of Klingspor's CS 411 X series come with a stable and durable synthetic resin bond that offers exceptional grain adhesion. Klingspor applies tried-and-tested zirconia alumina grain with a close coating to ensure a high and long-lasting removal rate. The material proves to be supremely durable, holding up to high temperatures. Its long-lasting properties make this premium product by Klingspor also exceptionally slow-wearing. A tear-resistant cotton backing with a stable X-structure combined with zirconia alumina lay a strong foundation for the abrasive belt CS 411 X. The backing ensures a long service life and turns the abrasive belts into remarkably reliable and long-lasting tools during sanding work on heavily contoured stainless steel surfaces, while the blue abrasive delivers aggressive rough grinding performance.

Abrasive belts for a plethora of use cases

Thanks to the wide selection of available grit sizes, users can opt to use the blue abrasive of the abrasive belts CS 411 X by Klingspor for aggressive rough grinding or less aggressive sanding when treating surfaces to their final finish. Klingspor makes the abrasive belt CS 411 X available in a comprehensive range of grit sizes. This exhaustive selection of grit sizes makes it suitable for both rough edge sanding and for the final processing of visually appealing surfaces made of stainless steel.


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