Holemaker VersaDrive 20mm Reamer 501030-0200

Holemaker VersaDrive 20mm Reamer 501030-0200

Holemaker Technology
In Stock


Keep the Job Moving when a connection hole is undersized VersaDrive® Reamers have a patented non-slip, Hex shank suitable for use in any standard 1/2" drill chuck for cordless or pistol drills or used with a VersaDrive® Rapid Lock adapter for use in a wide range of powertools such as...

VersaDrive® Reamers have a patented non-slip, Hex shank suitable for use in any standard 1/2" drill chuck for cordless or pistol drills or used with a VersaDrive® Rapid Lock adapter for use in a wide range of powertools such as Magnetic Drills.

VersaDrive®  reamers are not recommended for use with laser or plasma cut holes. The heat affected holes can be enlarged using the VersaDrive reamer with a slow speed magnet drill.

  • Precision 6-flute design for smooth cutting
  • Safer reaming with minimal kickback
  • Specially hardened for impact wrench use
  • High-grade tool steel for high accuracy and long life
  • Goldmax low-friction titanium coating to stop burn-out
  • High strength, non-slip shank design Use on Impact or Rotary
  • For fastest performance use on impact wrenches & impact drivers
  • Impact driven reamers are not recommended for Flame or Plasma cut holes. Use with a Magnet Drill
  • Reamer should be rotating before starting the cut & steady feed pressure should be used through the cut
  • For materials thicker than 20mm use of ImpactaMag reamers is recommended 

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