HMT 20mm Carbide Tip Broach Cutter 40's Series

HMT 20mm Carbide Tip Broach Cutter 40's Series

Holemaker Technology
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CarbideMax™ TCT Broach cutters by Holemaker Technology are a new generation of broach cutter proven to more than halve the cost of hole broaching compared with traditional HSS cutters.

The CarbideMax™ 40 Series will broach up to 35mm thickness of metal

One of the hardest materials used for cutting tools, Tungsten Carbide, is capable of drilling through the toughest steels.
HMT CarbideMax™ TCT Annular Broach cutters are tipped with individually brazed cutting teeth of the highest quality carbide. They are designed with an elaborate cutting geometry which results in faster, quieter, easier drilling and chatter free performance. Furthermore, because the teeth of the cutter are doing all of the hard work, less strain is put on the wall of the cutter. Therefore a thinner wall thickness is required meaning less material is removed resulting in a substantially faster cut.

CarbideMax™ TCT cutters also offer a life expectancy up to 10x that of standard HSS cutters and cutting speeds up to 64% faster thanks to their individually brazed Tungsten Carbide cutting teeth and elaborate tool geometry.

This specialist construction also results in quieter, easier drilling, with smooth, accurate holes and chatter free performance throughout the cut.

CarbideMax Benefits

  • Up to 10x the life of standard HSS cutters
  • Up to 64% faster than HSS cutters
  • Premium Sandvik Tungsten Carbide teeth
  • Fits all standard 19.05mm Weldon shanks
  • Works well in Stainless Steel & Cast Iron
  • Elaborate tool geometry for a smooth cut
  • More than halves the cost of hole broaching
  • Flexible steel alloy results in fewer breakages


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