Hellberg (Snickers) Helium Safety Glasses (20031-001)

Hellberg (Snickers) Helium Safety Glasses (20031-001)

SKU: 20031-001
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Hellberg (Snickers) Helium Safety Glasses (20031-001)

 Hellberg Helium safety glasses are very light weight and have an easy fit design. Standard equipped with Anti-Scratch and Anti-Fog coating and is available in 3 lens colors to suite various applications. The slim temple shape makes it ideal for use in combination with hearing protection, minimizing any negative attenuation effect.

  • Clear lens with Anti-fog and Anti-Scratch coating
  • Easy fit and light weight safety glasses
  • Visual Light Transmittance 89%

Clear Lens

Clear lens for all indoor applications ensuring the highest optical class. Protect against UVA-UVB (99,99%) and has good color recognition. Suitable for General work, Machine operation, Lab works, Construction, Workshop applications

Anti-Scratch Coating

Protects both sides of the lens against surface scratching increasing the lifespan of the eyewear.

Anti-Fog Coating

Prevents both sides of the lens from fogging or steaming up when exposed to warm humid environments.

Dual material temples

The soft rubber material covering the hard plastic temple enhances the wearer comfort. A groove pattern ensures a good grip when moving around.

Light weight design

The lightest safety glasses in our range and one of the lightest on the market. Comfortable to wear all day long, almost without noticing it.

Ideal for use in combination with hearing protection

The slim temple design minimizes any leakage to the hearing protectors ear cushions, retaining a good seal between cushion and the face with very little noise attenuation loss.

Custom Tab 01

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