Fisher 39"/1000mm Satin Chrome Steel Rule

Fisher 39"/1000mm Satin Chrome Steel Rule

SKU: 30115.0132
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Fisher 39"/1000mm Satin Chrome Steel Rule Metric/Imperial


Fisher steel rule with satin chrome finish and photo etched markings. These double-sided rules feature both metric and imperial graduations. They come with a handy hanging hole and are supplied in a protective sleeve. 

The clean crisp engineered rules are of the highest quality with clear photo etched markings, subdivided in mm with lines denoting 5mm increments, and numbers signifying every 10mm accrual. The opposite edge is subdivided again into 0.5mm increments for the most accurate of work. The back of the rule is Imperial and marked with 10th, 16th, 20th, 32nd, 64th and figured inches.

They will act as a good reference straight egde and can be used for forming free flowing curves for workshop drawings and will return back flat. They can also be used around the workshop for the removal of glue squeeze-out and the removal of gummed paper veneer tape without staining acid rich timbers ( but it may be worth having a second rule for these uses).

Made in Japan to exacting standards.

Custom Tab 01

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