Fischer Injection anchor sleeve Plastic FIS H 16 x 130K (41903)

Fischer Injection anchor sleeve Plastic FIS H 16 x 130K (41903)

SKU: 41903
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Fischer Injection anchor sleeve Plastic FIS H 16 x 130K (41903) (20 Pack)

The plastic fischer injection anchor sleeve FIS H K is the system component for the use of fischer injection mortars in perforated brick masonry within through-type installations. To do so, the anchor sleeve is placed in the drill hole, and filled with injection mortar from the anchor sleeve base. When setting the rod anchor or the internal threaded anchor, the mortar is pressed through the lattice structure and then connects with the perforated brick by an interlock. This means that the load is directed into the building material. Non-bearing layers can also be bridged with the injection anchor sleeve.
  • The grating structure of the FIS H K anchor sleeve is adapted for the injection mortars FIS V Plus,FIS V,FIS VL, FIS GREEN and FIS P Plus, and ensures sparing mortar use with the best interlock.
  • The centring blades perfectly align the anchor in the anchor sleeve, and allow for use with various threaded rod diameters.
  • The barbed hooks secure the anchor sleeve in the drill hole and allow for a trouble-free overhead installation.
  • The geometry of the anchor sleeves allows for the bridging of non-bearing layers for a simple and convenient installation.

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