Fischer Hammerfix Nail Screw N 6x80/50s (50353) Box 50

Fischer Hammerfix Nail Screw N 6x80/50s (50353) Box 50

SKU: 50353
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The Hammer-in Plug For A Simple Fast And Economical Installation

  • The rapid hammerset installation reduces the amount of time required and allows for an economic series installation
  • The integrated hammer-in stop prevents the plug from expanding prematurely (jamming), thus enabling a problem-free installation
  • Together with the cross-slot recess, the thread of the nail screw allows the screw to be removed, thus allowing for subsequent dismantling
  • The wide range of diameters, usage lengths and head shapes provides the correct plug for every fixing
  • When hammered in,the nail screw causes the plug to expand in two directions, thus providing a secure anchoring in the building material
  • Suitable for push-through installation

For Building Materials

  • Concrete
  • Solid sand-lime brick
  • Building brick
  • Natural stone
  • Solid brick made from lightweight concrete
  • Aerated concrete
  • Solid panel made from gypsum
  • Vertically perforated brick
  • Hollow blocks made from lightweight concrete

Custom Tab 01

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