Fischer Anchor Bolt Thru Bolt FAZ II M20 Electro Zinc Plated ETA Appro

Fischer Anchor Bolt Thru Bolt FAZ II M20 Electro Zinc Plated ETA Approved

SKU: 46632
In Stock
M20/30 172mm Box 5
  • M20/30 172mm Box 5
  • M20/60 x 202mm Box 5
  • M20/160 x 302mm Box 5


  • The Fischer bolt anchor FAZ II is a steel anchor for the highest requirements
  • Heavy loads can be secured in cracked concrete using the steel anchor
  • Thanks to its easy installation, the FAZ II can be used extremely flexibly
  • The tried-and-tested expansion clip safely introduces the loads into the concrete and enables top load-bearing capacity
  • The steel anchor is ideal for the anchoring of railings, cable trays, and cantilevers, for example

Top Features

  • The world's first bolt anchor with 6 mm drill hole diameter and ETA Option 1 for concrete.
  • The tried-and-tested expansion clip ensures the maximum load-bearing capacity, even with size M6


  • The world's first bolt anchor with 6 mm drill hole diameter and ETA Option 1 for secure and reliable anchoring
  • The international approvals guarantee maximum safety and the best performance
  • Fewer hammer blows and minimum torque slippage ensure a noticeably simple and comfortable setting process.


        • The FAZ II is suitable for pre-positioned and push-through installation and is also ideal for stand-off installation thanks to the long thread
        • When applying the torque, the cone bolt is pulled into the expansion sleeve and expand it against the drill hole wall
        • The anchor is set in line with the approval once the preset installation torque is achieved
        • In the case of series installation, we recommend using the FABS anchor bolt setting tool

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