Faithful FAIGZPROAUTO Brazing & Soldering Blow Torch

Faithful FAIGZPROAUTO Brazing & Soldering Blow Torch

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FAIGZPROAUTO Quick Pro Auto Power Torch CGA600

The Faithfull Quick Pro Auto Power Torch is a powerful, high performance gas torch designed for the professional user and packed with all the features expected from a top of the range product.

Features of this torch include automatic piezo ignition, an advanced gas control system that offers both a ‘Dead Man’s Handle’ function and a fine flame adjustment valve with an instant FLARESAFE function, making the torch safe to use at any angle immediately after start up.

The burner head creates a swirl effect flame to help ensure that the flame is evenly distributed around a pipe when carrying out plumbing work. This ergonomic designed Swirl torch is ideally suited to skilled plumbing, soldering and brazing work.

Max. operating temperature: 1,610°C.
Optimum power output: 1,900 Watt.
Gas consumption: 136 g/h.
CGA600 Connection.
Gas category: MAP/PRO.

Custom Tab 01

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