Evolution TSTF5.5-50-3 Csk Drill Screw 5.5x50mm Tek Screw (Box100)

Evolution TSTF5.5-50-3 Csk Drill Screw 5.5x50mm Tek Screw (Box100)

SKU: 40225.0342
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Evolution TSTF5.5-50-3 Csk Drill Screw 5.5x50mm Timber Tek Screw (Box 100) Winged drill screw

Evolution TEK-3 wing tipped tek screws are specifically designed for fixing timber to metal substrates from 1.2mm to 3.5mm thick. No need to pre-drill thanks to the sharp drill point, however for very hard substrates a small pilot hole can be used to speed up insertion speed. These tek screws have an Evoshield® exterior coating which is tested to withstand a minimum 500 hours of salt spray.

Designed For: Fixing timber or composites to light steels

Thread dia: 5.5mm
Drive recess: PH3
Length (L1): 50mm
Effective thread length (L2): 30mm
Timber thickness: 13-30mm
Rec. drill speed: 1500 - 2500 rpm
Drill point: TEK 3
Material: AISI C1022 grade steel
Finish: Evoshield® 500hr exterior coating
Steel thickness1.2mm - 3.5mm
Fixes material / to: Timber & plasterboard / steel

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