Esab OK AristoRod 13.26 Corten 1.0mm 18kg

Esab OK AristoRod 13.26 Corten 1.0mm 18kg

SKU: 1B26086900
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Esab OK AristoRod 13.26 Cor-ten 1.0mm 18kg

The non copper coated OK AristoRod 13.26 is a low-alloyed, nickel-copper (0,8% Ni, 0,45% Cu), solid wire for GMAW of weathering steels, such as COR-TEN, Patinax, Dillicor etc. According to NACE it would be acceptable to use these welding consumables, since the nickel content is below the maximum acceptable level, 1 % for sour gas applications. One other requirement from NACE is the maximum hardness of the deposited weld metal, which must not exceed 22 HRC. The weld metal composition and mechanical properties also make this product suitable for welding high strength steels with a minimum yield strength less than 470 MPa. The AristoRod wires are suitable for operating at high currents with maintained disturbance free wire feeding giving a stable arc with a low amount of spatter. 

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