Eclipse 2750C Spiralux Compact Heavy Duty Lazy Tong Riveter

Eclipse 2750C Spiralux Compact Heavy Duty Lazy Tong Riveter

SKU: 2750C
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Eclipse 2750C Spiralux Compact Heavy Duty Lazy Tong Riveter

The Eclipse 2750C Lazy Tong Riveter is 25% lighter, smaller and easier to handle than traditional sized lattice riveters. Weighing in at only 1.50kg compared to 1.90kg for a typical lattice riveter. This means less strain on the operator. Fitted with a 3 piece alloy steel jaw mechanism with internal hexagonal grip design for added strength and durability. Aluminium alloy ergonomic designed body and ABS plastic handle with soft grip for comfortable use. Suitable for rivets in Steel, Aluminium and Stainless Steel in sizes 2.4mm - 3/32 inch, 3.2mm - 1/8 inch, 4.0mm - 5/32 inch, 4.8mm - 3/16 inch and 6.4mm - 1/4 inch.


  • Strong 3-piece alloy steel jaw
  • Delivers more power with less effort
  • Much easier on the arms and shoulders when popping lots of rivets
  • Manually adjustable round knurling sleeve so the working length of each stroke can be changed to the preferred setting


  • Rivet Type:  Steel, Aluminium and Stainless Steel
  • Rivet sizes: 
  • 2.4mm - 3/32 inch
  • 3.2mm - 1/8 inch
  • 4.0mm - 5/32 inch
  • 4.8mm - 3/16 inch
  • 6.4mm - 1/4 inch

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