Dormer A002 11.5mm Tin Coated HSS Jobber Drill

Dormer A002 11.5mm Tin Coated HSS Jobber Drill

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Dormer A002 11.5mm Tin Coated HSS Jobber Drill

Introducing the A002 series of high-quality, industrial HSS-TiN Jobber Drill Bits from Dormer. The professional Drill Bits have been manufactured from premium-quality HSS steel featuring a Titanium Nitride coated tip for increased wear resistance, the service life of drill and better cutting performance when drilling harder materials. Drill Bits feature 118° point angle for precise application. Easy to read size markings are engraved on the side of each drill bit. Drill's helix has been redesigned for greater stiffness. Dormer A002 professional general-purpose drills are suitable for both hand and machine use and are ideal for drilling into steels, cast steel, grey cast iron, malleable cast iron, nickel-brass, aluminium alloy and graphite, plastic etc. (Not suitable for masonry applications).

Features and Benefits:

• Features self-centring split-point for excellent positional accuracy and hole quality
• TiN tip coating for extended tool life & increased performance (2.0mm and above)
• Optimised Web Design for increased strength and rigidity
• Will drill up to 4xD in steel, stainless, cast iron, plastics and many other materials with ease
• Suitable for both hand and machine use
• 118° split point design for better centring and precise application
• Available in a range of diameters from 1mm → 16 mm

Approvals and Certification:

• DIN338RN
• ISO235
• BS328

 Suitable for steel, stainless steel, cast iron, titanium nickel, copper, brass, aluminium & thermoplastics. Dormer tools are one of the largest producers of HSS cutting tools. As major international supplier, Dormer insist on its products surpassing all relevant independent performance standards.

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