Eclipse E8R Sheet Metal Locking Plier 8"/200mm

Eclipse E8R Sheet Metal Locking Plier 8"/200mm

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Eclipse E8R Sheet Metal Locking Plier 8"/200mm

The Eclipse E8R sheet metal tool has wear-resistant hardened jaws that provide a firm grip. The body and jaws are made from high-grade chrome molybdenum steel to withstand heavy-duty working conditions, such as welding and hammer strikes. The guarded release trigger protects against accidental release whilst also enabling the tool to be quickly unlocked when required. They have a screw adjustment to fit the workpiece and exerts a pressure that is maintained even after repetitive use. These pliers are suited to safe handling of metal during bending, forming and crimping of sheet material.


  • Adjustable screw
  • High-grade steel jaws
  • Guarded release trigger

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