Thor 1212 Dead Blow Hammer 1 3/4lb 38mm Face

Thor 1212 Dead Blow Hammer 1 3/4lb 38mm Face

SKU: 1212
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Thor 1212 Dead Blow Hammer 1 3/4lb 38mm Face

Thor Dead Blow Hammers have a coated die-cast aluminium alloy head with a rubber grip and screw-in faces.

The hollow die-cast head is partially filled with steel shot to add to the weight, prevent rebound and deliver dead blows of maximum force.

All faces are one-piece moulded with a shoulder for extra strength and to prevent fracture from misdirected blows. The faces are designed to wear and be replaced by hand. These Dead Blow Hammers are twin-faced and fitted as standard with screw-in white nylon faces. For certain specialist applications, brown polyurethane faces may be preferred and are available to purchase separately.

A multipurpose striking tool, they are ideal for sustained and effective blows without recoil. Commonly used in most assembly/fitting applications including engineering, toolmaking, shopfitting, partitioning and double glazing.

Diameter: 38mm (1.1/2in).
Weight: 700g (1.3/4 lb).

Custom Tab 01

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