Sealey LP170 Propane Heater 102,000-170,000Btu/hr (30-50kW)

Sealey LP170 Propane Heater 102,000-170,000Btu/hr (30-50kW)

SKU: LP170
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Sealey Propane Heater 102,000-170,000Btu/hr (30-50kW) LP170

Many users have found the advantages of propane heaters far outweigh the small additional running costs. • The fuel is more completely burned and does not leave an oily residue as experienced with paraffin heaters. • There is no odour, except for the few seconds during start-up and the units run a little more quietly since they do not need a compressor to drive the fuel to the burner. • Durable paint finish. • Fan assisted, fitted with a piezoelectric ignition system for trouble-free starting and features a direct gas head assembly. • Features safety solenoid preventing the unit from leaking gas without first being electrically started. • Supplied with an approved propane gas regulator and hose. • Tested and certified to CE/EN standards. • Manufactured to EN 1596.

Airflow: 400cfm
Fuel Consumption: 2.18-3.63kg/hr
Fuel: Propane
Heated Area: 23,000ft³(650m³)
Output: 102,000-170,000Btu/hr(30-50kW)
Supply: 230V

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