Sealey LED3601 Rechargeable 360° Inspection Light 3W COB & 1W SMD

Sealey LED3601 Rechargeable 360° Inspection Light 3W COB & 1W SMD

SKU: LED3601
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Sealey LED3601 Rechargeable 360° Inspection Light 3W COB & 1W SMD

Mini, lightweight light with exclusive patented design owned by and registered to Sealey. • Unique and innovative 360° swivel and tilt function enables the light source to be positioned in any direction. • Featuring a super bright 3W COB LED light source, which gives an even and constant spread of light. • Produces up to 300 lumens with a CRI-80 rating. • Recessed lens for added protection. • 1W High power SMD LED directional torch located on top of the light, produces up to 100 lumens. • Rubber covered magnet in base and swivel hook for hands-free operation. • High quality rechargeable 3.7V 1.5Ah Lithium-Polymer battery for longer life, no memory effect and a much slower discharge than traditional Ni-MH batteries. • Micro USB charging port. • Supplied with USB cable.

Battery: 3.7V 1.5Ah Lithium-Polymer
Charging Time: 3hr
CRI Rating: 80
IP Rating: IP20
LED Type: 3W COB + SMD
Lumen Output: Side/Top - 300/100lm
Operating Time: Side/Top - 3/6hr

Custom Tab 01

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