Parweld XR935h Auto Darken Headshield with Grinding Mode

Parweld XR935h Auto Darken Headshield with Grinding Mode

SKU: xr935
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Parweld XR935h Auto Darken Headshield with Grinding Mode.

NEW version of the 'PARWELD' light reactant, variable shade 9 - 13 welding helmet with Grinding mode


Can be used for MIG, TIG, ARC Welding and Plasma Cutting
This is a really nice unit, highly recommended by K Supplies , with all neccessary functions and adjustments. 

Great value for money and a real professional bit of kit. Don't let the low cost price make you think it is anything less

SPECIAL FEATURE 1 - Grinding mode switch. Switch is separate from main shade adjustment dial, allowing switching between welding and grinding mode without interfering with the shade selection

SPECIAL FEATURE 2 - Full adjustment of the headband in all directions....including forward and backward movement (in 3 steps) of the entire helmet i.e. alters the distance the mask is from your face

Delay time (internal), length of time taken for the lens to lighten after welding - Short, ideal for tack welding - Medium, ideal for production welding - Long, ideal for high amperage where there is an after glow
Sensitivity, variable adjustment to suit ambient light levels - At Lower settings, helmet will not switch due to sunlight or welders working in close proximity - At Higher settings, response is better to small arcs as in TIG welding
Grinding Mode, sets the filter cartridge in permanent light state, no darkening
Conforms to European Standards The XR935H Light Reactive helmet complies with BS EN 379:1994 and BS EN 175:1997:ANSI Z87.1:1989

Technical Specifications
Viewing Area 98mm x 44mm /3.86” x 1.76”
Cartridge Size 122mm x 100mm x 9mm / 4 ” x 3 ” x 3 ”
UV/IR Protection Permanent Shade DIN16
Light State DIN Shade 4
Dark State DIN Shade 9 to 13 Variable
Power Supply Solar cells with built in rechargeable battery (estimated 6 year life)
Switching Time Light to dark 0.00004 seconds
Light to Dark 0.25 - 0.35 seconds - fast position 0.60 - 0.80 seconds - slow position
Operating Temp -5ºC to +70ºC (23ºF to 131ºF)
Storage Temp -20ºC to +70ºC (-4ºF to -158ºF)
Helmet Material High Impact Polyamide Nylon
Total Weight 560g

Custom Tab 01

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