Moldex FFP1 NR D Classic Dust Mask (236015) 20 Pack

Moldex FFP1 NR D Classic Dust Mask (236015) 20 Pack

SKU: 236015
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Moldex FFP1 NR D Classic Dust Mask (236015) 20 Pack

Our standard model offers all the advantages that make Moldex FFP masks so successful. The flexible ActivForm® 3D design adapts automatically to the shape of the wearers face and their facial movements. As a result, our Classic masks are easy to wear and sit securely and comfortably on the skin at all times, without the need for a nose clip. Our DuraMesh® structure preserves the shape of the mask under even the most testing conditions, while a soft, skin-friendly inner fleece layer provides additional comfort for the wearer.

Classic FFP masks offer reliable protection against particles in the air we breath. They are available in the protection levels FFP1, FFP2 and FFP3.

FFP1 masks may be used with contaminant concentrations up to 4 times the workplace exposure limit (WEL). 

They protect against non-toxic water and oil based particles. They do not protect against carcinogenic and radioactive substances or airborne biological agents of risk groups 2 and 3 + enzymes.

The total leakage of an FFP1 mask is a maximum of 22%. At least 80% of contaminants are filtered out of the inhaled air.

Common applications for an FFP1 mask are environments with low levels of dust that is not harmful to health.


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