Milwaukee M18ONEFHIWF1-802x 1" Drive ONE KEY Impact Wrench

Milwaukee M18ONEFHIWF1-802x 1" Drive ONE KEY Impact Wrench

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Milwaukee M18ONEFHIWF1-802x 1" Drive ONE KEY Impact Wrench

M18 FUEL M18ONEFHIWF1-802X Milwaukee Impact Wrench comes with 2 x 18v x 8Ah REDLITHIUM Batteries and 18v Charger.

This high torque 18v Impact Wrench with useful friction ring delivering 2033Nm of fastening torque at half the size and weight of an original AC corded, petrol or pneumatic machine and as Milwaukee was proud to announce truly the world's first cordless M18 1″ high torque Impact Wrench.

Features of this stunning M18ONEFHIWF1-802X Milwaukee Impact Wrench include up to 2400Nm of nut-busting torque enabling bolts up M42 to be opened, a 4 -Mode DRIVE CONTROL allowing the trade to shift into four different speed and torque settings maximising fast application versatility plus the integrated blow counting sensor enhances the consistent repeatability of the chosen torque setting. This 1" square drive Impact Wrench uses ONE-KEY tool control enabling wireless tool customisation increasing productivity and giving the user consistent results with the added benefit of ONE-KEY tool tracking and security through a cloud-based inventory management platform that supports both location tracking and theft prevention.

The M18ONEFHIWF1-802X is fully compatible with the complete platform of 18v REDLITHIUM Batteries

Comes with:

  • M18ONEFHIWF1 1" One Key Impact Wrench with friction ring
  • 2 x 8ah Batteries M18B5
  • M12-18FC Rapid Charger
  • Heavy Duty Case

K Supplies take great pride in the products and services we offer our professional customers, which is why we have partnered with Milwaukee to offer a warranty extension to 3 years. The additional 2 years warranty is available at no cost if you register your new Milwaukee power tool within 30 days of the purchase date. Please visit the official Milwaukee website to register.

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