Milwaukee M12B6 6ah 12 Volt Battery

Milwaukee M12B6 6ah 12 Volt Battery

SKU: 4932430065
In Stock


Milwaukee M12B6 6ah 12 Volt Battery

The Milwaukee 6.0Ah Red Lithium-Ion Battery has REDLITHIUM-ION™ sophisticated electronics (REDLINK™ Intelligence) and overload protection which stops the user from causing damage to their cordless power tools. The batteries also feature a temperature Management System which keeps the battery at the ideal temperature alongside individual cell monitoring which helps to provide maximum battery life whilst also preventing cell damage. The remaining charge of the battery can be seen on the fuel gauge.

Up to 2X more run time*, 20% more power*, Up to 2X more recharges (*Compared with other Lithium-Ion technologies and / or with previous Milwaukee® battery technology. Results dependent on voltage, tool and application.)

Features and Benefits:
Impact and vibration protective rubber.
Discharge Protection - Prevents cell damage from over-discharge.
Integrated weld frame.
Cell separator.

Technical Specifications:
Battery type - Lithium-Ion
Capacity - 6.0Ah
Voltage - 12 Volt

Manufacturer Part number: 4932451395

Supplied With:
x1 12v 6.0Ah Red Lithium-Ion Battery

Custom Tab 01

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