Klingspor A24 Extra 230mm x 22 x 6mm Grinding Disc (Bulk Deals) 13447

Klingspor A24 Extra 230mm x 22 x 6mm Grinding Disc (Bulk Deals) 13447

SKU: 60661.0242/10
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Klingspor A24 Extra 230mm x 22 x 6mm Grinding Disc (13447)

9" Grinding Disc

A 24 Extra – Kronenflex grinding discs for metal

A 24 Extra helps professional users process metal with exceptional speed and superior quality. The Kronenflex grinding disc can be used for

  • maintenance and repairs,
  • plant and container manufacturing and for
  • general fabrication.

The grinding disc is suitable for universal use and shines when mounted on angle grinders with great aggressiveness and exceptionally long service life. Klingspor offers this product with a large number of diameters, making sure that every user will find the grinding disc that matches their application perfectly. The shape of the wheels comes with a depressed centre. Information on the maximum permissible motor speed is found on the label. If operated at the specified running speed, Kronenflex grinding discs will operate safely at all times.

Kronenflex grinding discs – highly versatile

The Kronenflex grinding discs which Klingspor makes available in the Extra performance class are distinguished by their particularly wide range of applications. These grinding discs can be used on all types of metal- The grinding discs perform especially well when used on surfaces and for edge bevelling and burr removal. To ensure a high level of safety during each and every work step, the grinding discs are designed in accordance with safety standard EN 12413 and tested as required in the oSa guidelines.

Remarkable aggressiveness for maximum performance

To ensure the best possible removal rate and a high level of aggressiveness, the A 24 Extra Kronenflex grinding discs are furnished with a synthetically made abrasive grain. This grain possesses the hardness necessary and delivers dependable results throughout the entire useful life of the product. This quality is the essential requirement for producing professional surface finishes. What is more, Klingspor attaches primary importance to ensuring an optimum ratio of removal rate to service life - not only for the A 24 Extra but for all other grinding discs.

The benefits at a glance

Pictures are for illustration only

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