Fischer 7.5 x 212 FFS Window Frame Fixing Screws (100 Box) 532944

Fischer 7.5 x 212 FFS Window Frame Fixing Screws (100 Box) 532944

SKU: 20529.0272
In Stock



  • The fischer window frame screw FFS is a special screw (with a length of up to 302 mm) with a flat head for the cost-effective installation of window frames without plugs
  • The flat head design is particularly suitable for window frames made from aluminium and plastic
  • The ift Rosenheim Testing Institute confirms their special suitability for the fixing of plastic widows into brick masonry
  • The small drill hole diameter of 6 mm and the screwing-in of the screw without cleaning the drill hole enable efficient series fixings
  • The high-deep thread on the screw tip and the milled ribbing reduce the screw-in torque and enable an energy-saving installation
  • The continuous special thread prevents the window frame from being pulled against the substrate
  • This means that the frame is secured to the building material without tensile force or stress

Top Features

  • Cost-effective screw installation without plugs
  • For all solid and perforated building materials
  • Fast series installation due to small drill hole diameter of 6 mm
  • Stress-free, durable fixing of the frame
  • Continuous thread prevents the frame from being pulled
  • Power-saving installation: Special thread reduces force required for screwing


  • Screw installation without plug for economical processing
  • The small drill bit diameter of 6 mm allows for efficient series installation
  • The continuous thread ensures a stress-free fixing of the frame in the substrate
  • The high-low-thread at the screw tip as well as several cutting notches reduce the amount of force required for screwing in the screws
  • The installation process can be completed without excessive effort
  • According to the ift Rosenheim suitable for the fixation of a plastic window in brick masonry


  • Note the drill hole and screw-in depths for the different building materials listed in the table
  • Recommended for installation of plastic and aluminium profiles
  • Cylinder head screws are recommended for recessed installation in wooden profiles
Drill hole diameter  6 [mm]
Screw length ls 212 [mm]
Drive T30
Head 11,5 [Ø mm]
Diameter d 7,5 [mm]
Box 100 Unit(s)
Window frames made of wood, plastic and aluminium
Door frames
Squared timbers
Building materials
Vertically perforated brick
Hollow blocks made from lightweight concrete
Perforated sand-lime brick
Solid sand-lime brick
Solid brick made from lightweight concrete
Solid brick
Aerated concrete

Custom Tab 01

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