Esab NEW A60 Sentinel Welding Helmet 0700600860

Esab NEW A60 Sentinel Welding Helmet 0700600860

SKU: 0700600860
In Stock


Esab A60 Sentinel Welding Helmet / Headshield

Sentinel A60 welding helmet is taking your welding to the next level with a huge panoramic view and perfect 1/1/1/1 EN optical clarity.

Now you’ll have an even wider view of the weld pool without any distortion.

The reengineered auto-darkening filter (ADF) features a new ESAB OpTCS™ broad-spectrum light control technology from ESAB.

This delivers an enhanced True Color view with reduced eye fatigue for the most demanding days on the job.

New 0.5 increment shade adjustments give you more precise control of your view.

The signature shell design of Sentinel, fullyadjustable Halo™ headgear, and external grind mode button complete the most comfortable, highest performance helmet ESAB has ever produced.

ADF viewing area: 118 x 71 mm (4.65 x 2.80 in.) and intuitive internal ADF controls including sensitivity and delay

Shade range: DIN 3/5–13, adjustable in 0.5 increments and ADF a shade lock setting

ESAB OpTCS True Color Lens Technology

On-board memory for up to 9 settings

Arc sensors: 4

Fast switching time of 0.08 millisecond

Replaceable CR2450 battery

Low battery, grind mode and shade lock LEDs.

What Comes in box

A60 Sentinel Helmet

3x Amber front lens

2x Clear front lens

3x inside cover lens

Helmet bag

Doo Rag

Custom Tab 01

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