Klingspor A24 Extra 230mm x 22 x 2mm Thin Cutting Disc Flat (286456)

Klingspor A24 Extra 230mm x 22 x 2mm Thin Cutting Disc Flat (286456)

SKU: 286456
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Klingspor A24 Extra 230mm x 22 x 2mm Cutting Disc Flat (286456)

Designed as a universal product, the Kronenflex cutting-off wheels A 24 Extra possess properties that are ideal for processing metal. They also cut solid material with exceptional speed and dependability. This standard wheel is distinguished by

  • its quality,
  • an excellent price-performance ratio,
  • aggressive abrasive performance,
  • a long service life and
  • robust hardness.

Reinforced by extra strong glass fibre inserts, the cutting-off wheel A 24 Extra is specially designed for use on handheld machines.

A 24 Extra – Kronenflex cutting-off wheels for universal use

Klingspor offers their premium Kronenflex cutting-off wheels in different performance classes. The cutting-off wheels under the Extra performance class are the universal product for a variety of applications on handheld cutting machines. Just as all other products made by Klingspor, the cutting-off wheels are furnished with synthetically made abrasive grain. This carries the distinct advantage of improved wear resistance combined with consistent quality throughout the product's lifetime. The grain is bonded with resins and additional filler materials which have been perfectly matched with each individual application. The composition of the materials selected for the cutting-off wheel A 24 Extra is ideal for processing metal.

Storing Kronenflex cutting-off wheels A 24 Extra properly

Safety is a factor of pivotal importance during work with angle grinders and cutting-off wheels. Safety is only ensured if the cutting-off wheels are stored in the proper manner. Dry storage is therefore imperative for preserving their quality for the long term. Bonded abrasives must not be used past their expiration date. The expiration date of the Kronenflex cutting-off wheels A 24 Extra has been embossed on the metal ring in the centre of the wheel. The first number indicates the quarter of the respective year up to which the products are guaranteed. Specified to the right of this number is the expiration year.

The benefits at a glance

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