Bohler Guardian Welding Helmet with PARP Airfed System

Bohler Guardian Welding Helmet with PARP Airfed System

SKU: 915H750
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Bohler Guardian Welding Helmet with PARP Airfed System

Introducing the Bohler Guardian 50FM Welding Helmet with PAPR System, the ultimate solution for welders looking to stay safe, comfortable, and productive on the job.

With its integrated Powered Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR) system, this helmet offers unparalleled protection against harmful welding fumes and other airborne contaminants.

The Bohler Guardian 50FM Welding Helmet has been designed to provide maximum comfort and convenience, with a lightweight and ergonomically designed headgear that ensures a secure and comfortable fit.

The helmet features a large, clear visor that provides excellent visibility while working, and is suitable for a wide range of welding applications.

The PAPR system of the Bohler Guardian 50FM Welding Helmet is powered by a rechargeable battery that can provide up to 8 hours of continuous operation. The battery can be easily charged using the included universal charger, with a charging time of just 4-6 hours. With adjustable airflow rate of 180-220 liters per minute, you can customize the filtration to your specific needs, ensuring maximum protection without compromising on comfort. 

In addition to its advanced filtration system, the Bohler Guardian 50FM Welding Helmet also features an EN 12941 protection class TH3 rating, making it one of the most effective welding helmets on the market.  With its visual and audible warning system for low battery charge and insufficient airflow, you can be sure that you will always be aware of the helmet's status.

Overall, the Bohler Guardian 50FM Welding Helmet with PAPR System is a top-of-the-line solution for welders looking to stay safe, comfortable, and productive on the job.

With its advanced features and unbeatable protection, this helmet is the perfect choice for anyone looking to take their welding to the next level.

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