Bahco 466-600 24" Aluminium Spirit Level

Bahco 466-600 24" Aluminium Spirit Level

SKU: 466-600
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Aluminium Box Spirit Levels 466-600 24"

The Bahco 466-600 Box Level 60cm, a tool that combines unique design elements with high-level accuracy to deliver exceptional performance.

Introducing the Bahco 466-600 Box Level 60cm, a tool that combines unique design elements with high-level accuracy to deliver exceptional performance. This level is part of the renowned Bahco 466 series, known for their superior construction and innovative features.

The Bahco 466-600 boasts two vertical (plumb) vials and one horizontal vial, ensuring precise measurements with an accuracy of 0.5 mm/m. Its robust 1.7mm profile construction guarantees that the level will not twist, providing reliable results every time. The level also features a V groove at the bottom, making it an ideal tool for use on pipes.

Further enhancing its functionality, the Bahco 466-600 has a machined surface on both the top and bottom. The anti-shock rubber end caps add to its durability, protecting the level from damage due to accidental drops or impacts. The laser-edged centre zero measuring scale along the edge ensures precise measurements, while the anodised finish adds a touch of elegance to its robust design.

The Bahco 466-600 Box Level 60cm also features two hand holes for easy handling and maneuverability. This level is not just a tool, but a testament to Bahco's commitment to quality, reliability, and precision. Purchase today and experience the difference of a truly quality tool.

  • Box section anodized finish aluminium level
  • Shock absorbing end caps
  • Permanent precision +/- 0.5 mm per metre
  • Machined surfaces and “V” groove base
  • Thick shaped profile
  • Large vials for ease of view
  • Laser marked measuring scale (for indication purposes only)
  • high visibility barril type vials. Liquid is resistant to UV light

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