SIP 75mm x 2000 Belt Linisher Belt Grinder (01948)

SIP 75mm x 2000 Belt Linisher Belt Grinder (01948)

SKU: 01948
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 SIP 75mm x 2000mm Pedestal Belt Linisher / Belt grinder

The SIP 3" Pedestal Belt Linisher offers powerful performance via a heavy-duty steel construction, including durable bed with tilting table and pedestal stand, and customisable belt alignment.

  • 400v, 3-phase input supply
  • Heavy-duty 4hp (3kW) motor for high performance
  • 2000mm x 75mm belt size; 34mtr/sec single speed
  • Heavy-duty construction; for workshop applications
  • Belt tracking adjusting knob; ensures that the belt
    runs straight and true for high-quality work results
  • 3-point belt access; 'on wheel', 'platen top', and 'full
    platen' for a variety of demanding linishing tasks
  • Linishing head tilt to accommodate various materials
  • Adjustable tool support for accurate positioning of
    the workpiece with angle adjustment each time
  • Quick release belt release handle for very quick
    belt changes via an easy access side panel
  • Adjustable eye protection for added safety
  • Heavy-duty steel bed with tilting table
  • Integrated NVR switch

ITEM NO.01948

Input Supply:3-PHASE 400vMotor Power:4hp (3kW)

Belt Size:2000mm x 75mm

Belt Speed:34mtr/sec

Flat Grinding:530mm

Contact Wheel:200mm x 75mm

Steering Roller:225mm x 75mm

Working Height:475mm - 1240mm

Net Weight:84.80kg

Gross Weight:96.10kg

Product Dimensions:Packaged Dimensions545(H) x 1150(W) x 560mm(D)

Custom Tab 01

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