Klingspor SMT850 115mm Abrasive POLISHING Mop Disc For Stainless

Klingspor SMT850 115mm Abrasive POLISHING Mop Disc For Stainless

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SMT 850 plus Special - abrasive mop disc for stainless steel

The SMT 850 plus Special is the unbeatable expert in the field of removing and finishing TIG weld seams. The special Combi-Abrasive mop disc version turns this mop disc into a highly efficient tool as it allows the user to complete stock removal and finish in one swift work step. Its field of application is stainless steel. Engineered specifically for professional users, the SMT 850 plus Special is used wherever the finishing of weld seams is required after TIG welding, such as in metal-processing workshops, after welding on tubing or in apparatus and plant engineering. The high quality processing of the flap disc guarantees ultimate safety and uniform results throughout the lifetime of the product.

We need both coarse and fine to shine

TIG welding, i.e. “tungsten inert gas welding”, uses an arc to melt stainless steel off a tungsten electrode before welding it with the help of inert gas. The resulting welds can be blended to perfection using the Combi-Abrasive mop disc. Their unique design allows the flaps to deliver both the necessary stock removal and finishing of the surface. This eliminates the need for a tool change. And, in turn, helps save time and money. Apart from being exceedingly handy, the SMT 850 plus Special also affords the user outstanding economy thanks to its exceptionally long service life (useful life).

Two tools in one

One special feature of the SMT 850 plus Special is its structure consisting of two different abrasives. While one side is composed of a highly flexible cloth backing coated with aluminium oxide, the other side is comprised of a non-woven web. The product is a Combi-Abrasive mop disc, which combines fine grinding with a high level of aggressiveness. The removal rate remains unchanged throughout its service life as its abrasive constantly releases fresh grain. Occurring at the same time, the finish produced by the non-woven web will remain of the same premium quality throughout the lifetime of the tool. Its convex design makes this product ideally suited for precise work. The backing plate is a special glass fibre backing that is strong and durable. The design of the flap disc enables a uniform force transmission to the workpiece.

Safe and reliable in tough day-to-day use

A unique manufacturing process creates an excellent bond between the abrasive flap and the backing plate of the SMT 850 plus Special. It exceeds the safety standard EN 13743, as well as the requirements of the oSa guidelines. This tool belongs to the Klingspor product line "Special" and stands for maximum performance, maximum durability and top work results in intensive use in industrial applications.

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