Klingspor SMT800 115mm Fine Medium Coarse Polishing Flap Disc (Set of

Klingspor SMT800 115mm Fine Medium Coarse Polishing Flap Disc (Set of 3)

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SMT 800 Special - non-woven mop disc for finishing stainless steel

Contents: 1 Brown Coarse Disc  1: Maroon Medium  1: Blue Fine

The SMT 800 Special has been designed specifically for efficient finishing on stainless steel. The non-woven mop disc's field of application extends to the metal workshop and industry, but also to the workshop of ambitious hobby craftsmen. The SMT 800 is well equipped for finish work on

  • stainless steel and
  • steel.

The flap disc perfectly blends metal removal efficiency with an even surface pattern. This top-quality tool sets itself apart with an excellent service life - qualities that make it uniquely economical. Consistent results and maximum safety are guaranteed by the quality of the workmanship that went into this Special abrasive mop disc.

A refined finish with stunning visual appeal

Vigorous, yet exceedingly precise - these attributes characterise how the SMT 800 Special works. It removes burrs, blends scratches from stainless steel workpieces with both exceptional speed and dependability. Meanwhile, the non-woven mop disc is gentle on the material and completes the finish with a flawless surface that shows an even surface pattern.

Variable speed - consistently excellent results

The SMT 800 Special is used in combination with high-speed angle grinders (80 m/s). The product will achieve its best results when combined with variable speed machines. Klingspor offers the SMT 800 Special with different grit sizes, allowing the user to complete both coarser and finer application with utmost precision. The tool will deliver consistent work results throughout its remarkably long lifetime.

Non-woven flaps for a perfect finish

At the heart of the SMT 800 Special are the flaps made of a special non-woven material. This material has been optimised for refining surfaces. The abrasive is applied evenly in a fan arrangement. This coating provides for uniform abrasive performance as the non-woven mop disc itself ensures that it will always work with fresh grit. A backing plate made of a special glass fibre, serves as the basis for the non-woven flaps. This backing plate ensures the force is transmitted onto the workpiece. . This achieves a uniform surface finish on stainless steel. Flaps and backing plate are bonded together in the manufacturing process. Klingspor produce to safety standard EN 13743 and the requirements of the oSa guidelines, and exceed the requirements for the SMT 800 Special.

Uncompromising quality

As a member of the “Special” product family, the SMT 800 is an excellent choice for continuous use under heavy loads in trade and industry. Outstanding quality and versatility for different applications.

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