Parweld XTT202P 200A AC/DC Pulsed TIG Inverter Welder

Parweld XTT202P 200A AC/DC Pulsed TIG Inverter Welder

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Parweld XTT202P 200A AC/DC Pulsed TIG Inverter Welder 230V

The XTT 202P can be used in both AC and DC modes for TIG or MMA welding allowing the welding of virtually any material.

Square wave AC output and power pulsing maximises productivity whilst reducing heat output.

The majority of steels can be welded in DC mode quickly using the pulse power function.

The AC mode allows the welding of aluminium and magnesium alloy.

The square wave output and adjustable frequency maximises the arc energy offering high welding speeds when coupled with the power pulsing function.

Professional Level Dual Voltage DC TIG Inverter, suitable for light industrial manufacturing, maintenance repair, agriculture and DIY, training, sheet metal fabrication and site work.

230V Voltage.
200A @25% Duty Cycle.
Square wave AC TIG mode.
Variable AC frequency.
Variable pulse frequency.
HF ARC starting.
Digital control.
Optional foot control.
Generator friendly.
Adjustable downslope (TIG).
Connections 35-50 Cable Plug
3 years return to base warranty.
Manufactured to IP23S, ISO/IEC 60974-1, ISO/IEC 60974-6 and RoHS Compliant.

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