Wonder Grip® Duo Size 10 xL Glove WG555

Wonder Grip® Duo Size 10 xL Glove WG555

Wonder Grip
SKU: wg555101
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Wonder Grip® Duo Size 10 Extra Large Glove WG555

The Wonder Grip® WG-555 Duo is based on our innovative DuaLiner™: the nylon knit wrist goes up to the middle of the hand to ensure a snug and secure fit, while the breathable microfiber knit liner for the knuckles and fingers provides excellent dexterity, softness and fingertip precision. WG-555 Duo’s breathable foam nitrile coating contributes towards keeping your hands dry and maintains a great grip in a wide variety of applications, helping you overcome work challenges every day.
 Ultra-lightweight microfiber and nylon yarn combined liner, engineered to accelerate the sweat evaporation process
 Freedom of movement on the upper part of the hand and a snug fit on the wrist, ensuring an excellent level of sensitivity and comfort
 Proprietary foam nitrile coating, providing a secure grip in wet and slightly oily environments
 Anatomically engineered, reducing hand fatigue and ensuring an ultimate level of precision and comfort
• General purpose
• Mechanical industry
• Aerospace
• Assembly
• Automotive
• Warehousing-packing-and-logistics
• Food industry
Support Microfiber, Nylon
Coating level Nitrile , Palm coated
Gauge 15

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