Teng TT0140s Socket Spanner Screwdriver Set Starter kit

Teng TT0140s Socket Spanner Screwdriver Set Starter kit

Teng Tools
SKU: TT0140s
In Stock


Teng Tools Starter Tool Set consists of the following sets. Each set is supplied in a unique Teng Tools TC tray and can be used either on it’s own or as part of the Teng Tools TC control system.

The tray features a removable hinged click lock lid and dove tail joints which enable different TC trays to be locked together and used as trays in Teng Tools tool boxes and roller cabinets.

All of the tools in the set have their own individual place so lost tools can easily be identified.

74 piece set including a ratcheting bits driver, 6” flexible extension, 69 bits, 4” extension bar and a coupler adaptors.

Set containing 13 regular 6 point sockets, ratchet handle, universal joint, 3” wobble extension bar, 10” spinner handle with 3/8” drive at both ends, 1/2”-3/8” adaptor and 1/4” coupler adaptor.
12 piece metric spanner set with the same dimension at both ends. The 12 point ring head is set at a 15° angle. Made from chrome vanadium with polished heads and a satin finish.

Set containing 11 regular 6 point sockets, 6 deep 6 point sockets, 11 screwdriver bits, ratchet handle, universal joint, 2” and 4” extension bars, 1/4” coupler adaptor, 3/8”-1/4” adaptor and 1/4” screwdriver handle.

Custom Tab 01

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