SMJ 20 Metre Cable Reel Extension Lead RP2010 230 Volts

SMJ 20 Metre Cable Reel Extension Lead RP2010 230 Volts

SMJ Electrical
SKU: RP2010
In Stock


SMJ 20 Metre Cable Reel Extension Lead RP2010 230 Volts

With a tough, impact resistant exterior and bright yellow hi-vis cable, this range of 4 gang extension reels are perfect for professional outside use. It benefits from a thermal cutout safety feature which protects its 4 13A sockets from damage due to overloading.

These professional extension reels contain patented technology to ensure friction free winding, cable wings which help glide the cable on and off of the drum and an external handle that ensures the weight of the cable is easy to manage.


  • Made from tough impact resistant plastic
  • Incorporates 4 10A/13A sockets
  • Patented technology ensures friction free winding for complete comfort and easy use
  • High visibility yellow cable for use outdoors
  • The compact design ensures it is easily transportable
  • Cable wings help to glide the cable on and off of the drum
  • Thermal cutout prevents overloading
  • 13A has a maximum load 2400 watts

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