Klingspor CS570 115mm x 22 x 36 Grit Fibre Disc

Klingspor CS570 115mm x 22 x 36 Grit Fibre Disc

SKU: 60626.0040/25
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  • 1 : Ribbed Backing Pad 115mm 126346


 Klingspor CS570 115mm x 22 x 60 Grit Fibre Disc 

Fibre discs CS 570 – fibre discs that deliver a high removal rate on stainless steel, steel, NF metal and aluminium

Grinding work on metal presents a particularly daunting challenge to any abrasive. Metals prove to be difficult materials as they are tough, yet exceptionally hard at the same time. The most formidable of these metals are stainless steel and high-alloy steels, so-called super alloys. The fibre discs CS 570 tackle these challenges with an extra hard and ultra tough abrasive grain made of zirconia alumina that is bonded to a vulcanised fibre backing plate with a strong synthetic resin. The fibre disc CS 570 possesses characteristics that make it a particularly good choice for processing stainless steel and aluminium:

  • Cool grinding thanks to multibond
  • Close coating
  • Grain made of zirconia alumina

The self-sharpening effect provided by the zirconia alumina grain

The zirconia alumina used for the fibre discs CS 570 by Klingspor is a synthetically made grain with a crystalline structure that is exceptionally hard and tough. The sharp edges of natural abrasives made of quartz, emery or garnet wear out over time, resulting in reduced abrasive performance. Synthetically made zirconia alumina acts differently. Wear causes individual portions to break out of the crystalline structure, leaving behind new, sharp edges. This will result in a uniform scratch pattern at a continuous removal rate and a long service life.

Prevention of overheating

Fibre discs are perfect for use in high temperatures. The cool grinding ensured by the green multibond prevents premature overheating and discolouration of the metal on the workpiece, allowing for smooth operation even at a high contact pressure and high speeds. For safety reasons, the maximum operating speed of a fibre disc when fitted to a backing pad must not exceed 80 metres per second. The following permissible values are designed to keep the speed within this limit:

  • For discs with a diameter of 115 mm: 13,300 revolutions per minute

For use with the fibre discs CS 570

Available for the fibre discs CS 570 are matching backing pads, ST 358 A ribbed hard and ST 358 smooth medium. The backing pad must be selected according to the intended application. The medium backing pad is suited for applications requiring a uniform finish as it conforms perfectly to the contours of the workpiece. Its properties make this backing pad ideal for finer grinding work, surface grinding or grinding contours. The hard backing pad is used for rough grinding at high removal rates. It performs especially well when used for deburring and aggressive grinding

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